We anticipated creek crossings, but the trail was overgrown and we couldn't go further than a mile. So how did we spend the afternoon? Swimming in the Middle Fork Teanaway River, although I use the term 'swimming' loosely. There's a perfect swimming hole right by the trail head: rock stairs into the water upstream, an 8-foot deep pool, and a gradual gravel exit downstream. The rocks above the pool hover at only two feet above the water, such a great place to jump into the snow melt.
We both hesitated for almost twenty minutes before I finally took a breath and jumped in. That breath was instantly jolted out of my chest and as I treaded water floating downstream I struggled to take in air. As I walked out of the freezing cold water, I was numb but still smiling. My friend also took the plunge and we shivered and giggled about the crazy and somewhat dangerous things we do when we're together. We sunbathed on the rock for an hour, drying off in the sunlight and then headed out.
We didn't get far. The name "Cheese Rock" was enough to detour us up the road further. After a steep climb half a mile up large slabs of granite, we were rewarded with a 360 view of the Teanaway that, like the glacial waters, took my breath away.
Invigorated by the cold swim and the thigh-burning climb, I couldn't help but feel stoked for summer. The days are getting warmer and brighter and adventure seems to be busting forth from every corner of the world. "The Mountains are Calling, and I Must Go." These words have been spoken and like a call to prayer, we are drawn into nature's church to seek the wisdom of the wilderness. Summer is here. Go forth and find adventure. Appreciate the beauty and covet the time with those who appreciate it with you.
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