Monday, April 18, 2016

Scouting Nockamixon

April 17th started out like any ordinary day.  Little did I know that that day would be one of the best of my life.  As I said, it started out like any other...with me hitting the snooze button on my alarm.  Typical really.  Shawn and I were heading out to scout a new kayaking location for my job and I really did not want to get out of bed, let alone kayak.  He let me sleep in a bit before coaxing me out of bed (I'd come to learn that he had already been up for hours).  We eventually made our way out the door and soon found ourselves in the rolling hills of Bucks County beside the vast reservoir of Lake Nockamixon. 

The day shone bright and clear; the beautiful spring day a backdrop to a memory that will last a lifetime.  I went about my mission to scout out this location as a potential site for our adventure programs.  We visited a few different boat ramps around the lake before settling on the perfect spot.  Haycock Boat Ramp sits at the north end of the lake; a bit secluded away from the main marina.  With the spring sunshine warming up the day and the beauty of the lake calling to me, we pushed off from the ramp and kayaked up lake.  

Sundays in mid-April aren't the busiest of times on this lake and the quiet around us was welcome.  Just Shawn and I and the great outdoors.  Wildlife danced along as we paddled across the calm water.  Herons, ducks, and turtles, oh my!  This would be a great spot to bring our adventure groups.  As I was enjoying the leisurely paddle, Shawn was practically buzzing beside me.  

Floating along side each other, basking in the sunlight, we started to chat about the beauty of the lake and the spectacular weather we were blessed with that day.  I smiled over at him and said what a perfect day it was and how happy I was in that moment there with him.  Shawn was wearing the biggest nervous smile I've ever seen on his face and pulled out a small, red box.  How could this moment get any more prefect?  

The words, "Will you marry me?"  Through my tears and happy giggles, I'm sure I managed the word "Yes!"  Shawn had completely and totally surprised me.  I later learned that he had been hiding the ring for a couple weeks, waiting for the perfect moment.  Also, that very day, he had slipped out of bed to meet my parents for breakfast at 4 o'clock in the morning and managed to make it back into bed without me realizing he had left!  He definitely found the most perfect moment.  It doesn't get any better than two people together, enjoying the wonders of nature and each other.  April 17th, 2016 will go down in the books as one of the best days of my life.  

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